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Welcome KARW

Kingwood Area Republican Women’s club provides a venue for women to influence policy, develop candidates, and elect the leaders of Texas.  We are a multi-generational, multi-cultural organization that provides structure and support for political activists to learn, engage, and flourish.

Membership Options cursive

Primary Membership textThis membership is the most popular choice. We will be your home club but you always have the option of being an Associate Member of another club.

Kingwood Area Republican Women’s Club Associate MembershipThis membership is for men or for women who have their Primary Membership at another club.

Patron Membership textA Parton Membership is an additional cost but gives you added benefits.

conservative students textConservative Students are welcome to join at a discounted price.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

DISCLAIMER: Political advertising paid for by Kingwood Area Republican Women Josh Flynn, PAC Treasurer, P.O. Box 431158, Houston, TX 77243. Contributions are not federal tax deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate contributions are not permitted.

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